
Dean Sara Sanders and Executive Vice President and Provost Kevin Kregel will speak and confer undergraduate degrees, which includes graduates from the College of Public Health. The student singer will be Kelby Yoder, from Walford, Iowa, and the student speaker will be Kartik Sivakumar, from Marion, Iowa.  

Doors open one hour prior to the start of the ceremony. No tickets required.

A livestream of the ceremony is available.

Lisa Gray
The Presidential seal of the University of Iowa.

(Times listed are in central time)


The ceremony will be livestreamed at the scheduled time and day with captions enabled. 


If you have issues with the video player above, the ceremony video has also been uploaded to the University of Iowa's YouTube channel.

Additional Info for Graduates and Guests

Arriving at the Arena and Parking

Carver Hawkeye Arena is located at 1 Elliott Dr, Iowa City, IA 52242.

Traffic around Carver-Hawkeye Arena during commencement is expected to be busy. There is currently construction around the arena, please allow extra time for travel and parking. Detailed information about parking is available on the Carver-Hawkeye Arena venue page.

Entering the Arena

Doors to the arena will open one hour prior to the start of the ceremony.  Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the start of your ceremony.

  • Guests use South and West doors.
  • East doors are for Graduate express entry only. Graduates are not required to enter through the East doors but it is highly recommended. 

Please Note: Traffic around Carver-Hawkeye Arena during commencement is expected to be busy. There is currently construction around the arena, please allow extra time for travel and parking.

Security Policy

Public Safety officials will search any purses or bags brought into the building. Everyone will be asked to open their coats or graduation gown for visual inspection.

No backpacks, large bags, packages, wrapped gifts, balloons, flowers, umbrellas, or outside food and beverage are allowed at Carver-Hawkeye Arena during this event. Each guest is permitted to bring one sealed, unopened bottle of  water or empty reusable water bottle to fill once inside the arena. Air horns or alcohol are not allowed.

Allowed Items:

  • Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl or PVC that do not exceed 12″x6″x12″
  • Clutch bags that do not exceed 4.5″x6.5″
  • Factory-sealed water bottles or empty, refillable bottles [Limit one (1), under one (1) gallon]
  • Medically necessary items (includes equipment for nursing mothers and diaper bags)

Prohibited Items:

  • Wrapped gifts, balloons, flowers
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • (New) Backpacks, purses, handbags and/or cinch bags
  • Banners and signs
  • Coolers, glass containers, backpack hydration systems, or refillable water bottles over one (1) gallon
  • Large lens cameras (6″ or more), video cameras or tripods
  • Noisemakers, strobe lights or any other disruptive devices
  • Outside food (unless medically indicated)
  • Non-service animals
  • Strollers and car seats
  • Tobacco of any kind (including e-cigarettes)
  • Umbrellas
  • Weapons of any kind

Name Card Hand-Out

Graduates should enter the arena and descend down the stairs to pick up your name card.

The university uses printed cards to display your information for commencement. Once you arrive at the ceremony, proceed down to the arena floor where you can pick up your card.  The card will display details that will be announced during the ceremony, such as name pronunciation. If name pronunciation information is not printed on your card, you may write it below your name at the ceremony. You will pass your card to the name reader before you cross the stage. The card also contains your HawkID and other identifying information you submitted with your RSVP, such as your permanent address, non-UI email address, and phone number. If your identifying information is not included, you will be asked to fill out the back of the name card so the photographer can send you a free proof from the ceremony.

Presentation of Graduates

For the Presentation of Graduates, the candidates will be invited to come to the stage to be recognized individually.  Your marshal will lead your group to the stage.  Take your name card with you, hand it to the person reading names at the microphone and walk briskly to center stage to shake hands with the University of Iowa official.  You will return to the opposite end of your original row of seats, cross to your original seat and be seated.

Following the closing remarks and processional of platform party, candidates will begin to recess in an orderly fashion under the marshals’ direction. 

Expectations of Graduates

Commencement is the culminating event of University study for students who choose to attend.   An appropriate and dignified academic atmosphere is absolutely expected so that you, your family, and other guests may enjoy this important gathering. 

The following rules of behavior will be enforced at all ceremonies:

  • No alcoholic beverages of any kind
  • Inappropriate dress and costumes worn under gowns will not be allowed
  • Cell phones must be turned off or silenced in the graduate seating area
  • No flowers, purses, gifts, balloons, or bags will be allowed in the student seating area
  • Marshals and security staff will be looking for intoxicated persons.  Inebriated students are not permitted to participate

With everyone’s cooperation, this occasion will become a proud and happy memory of your academic achievement at the University of Iowa.


All graduates are expected to wear apparel at their ceremonies. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is represented with a white tassel and it should be on the right side of your cap prior to the ceremony.

Make sure you have taken care of your apparel needs prior to the ceremony, apparel will not be available for purchase at the ceremonies.

The Hawk Shop is open and is currently accepting apparel orders along with other items related to commencement. More information can be found on their website.