
Doors open one hour prior to the start of the ceremony. The ceremony will be livestreamed with captions enabled.

The commencement speaker will be Catherine Zaharis, who currently serves as an independent director for the North Square Series Trust and holds emerita status at the Tippie College of Business. Tyler White, from North Liberty, Iowa, will be the student speaker. White will be graduating with a BBA in Entrepreneurial Management.

Melissa Baker
The Presidential seal of the University of Iowa.

(Times listed are in central time)


The ceremony will be livestreamed at the scheduled time with captions enabled. 


If you cannot watch the livestream during the ceremony, the video will be uploaded to the University of Iowa's YouTube channel shortly after the conclusion of the ceremony.

Additional Info for Graduates and Guests

Required Apparel

Apparel sales aer live and ordering information is available on the Apparel page. Required for all Tippie College of Business graduates Bachelor gown Mortarboard cap Sapphire blue tassel


Arriving at Hancher Auditorium

  • Doors to Hancher will open one hour prior to the start of the ceremony. Graduates should arrive no later than 15 minutes after the doors open.
  • Arrive for your ceremony with cap, gown and tassel. Apparel will not be available for sale at the venue. 
  • Proceed to Strauss Hall
  • Please Note:
    • All items and people are subject to any search deemed necessary by the University of Iowa Police
    • No outside food or beverages except one unopened water bottle per guest will be allowed in the auditorium.
    • Items that cannot be searched by security personnel are strictly prohibited; wrapped packages will not be allowed.

Name Card Hand-Out

Graduating students should proceed to the name card table for their last name. Volunteers can assist with name card location. Hold onto your name card; your name card will be scanned and then handed to the name reader prior to crossing the stage. 

Personal Items

If you arrive with a coat or purse, make arrangements to leave these items with a family member or friend. Backpacks are not allowed. You should not have anything in your hand other than your photo name card when the processional begins and throughout the ceremony. Cell phones should be silenced or turned off.

Ticketing Information

Tickets are not required for guests attending this ceremony, and there is no limit to how many guests can attend.