Carver-Hawkeye Arena Information and Policies

Carver-Hawkeye Arena has several commencement-related policies that graduates and guests should review in advance of the ceremonies.

Additional Information



Due to construction, traffic congestion around Carver-Hawkeye Arena is expected during commencement, so please allow extra time for your travel and parking.

Please Note: There is major construction near UIHC and Newton Road that could impact travel to all ceremonies. Traffic delays are expected, please plan accordingly. 

Other construction projects and local road conditions can be found on the Iowa Department of Transportation website.

Evening and Weekend Carver-Hawkeye Arena Commencement Ceremonies

Complementary parking for commencement at Carver-Hawkeye Arena is available in the locations listed here:

  • Parking will be available on a first-come first-served basis within walking distance at parking lots 40, 33 (Dental Visitor), 43 (Kinnick), 65 (Finkbine), and 75 (Arena Commuter). 
  • Guests with disabilities who have a state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate will be permitted to use Lot 46, adjacent to Carver-Hawkeye Arena. From Lot 46 guests should enter through the west or south doors.

Please Note: Accessible parking in Lot 46 is limited to a first-come first-served basis. Once full, drop-offs will be allowed and then drivers will be directed to overflow accessible parking in Lot 40. Guests dropped off in Lot 46 should enter through the west or south doors.

If you have specific questions on event parking, please contact the collegiate commencement coordinator of your ceremony in advance.

Entering the Arena


Doors to the arena will open one hour prior to the start of each ceremony.  Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your ceremony. No tickets are required for any ceremony at Carver-Hawkeye Arena.

  • Guests should enter through the south and west doors.
  • Graduates only may use the east doors for express entry. Graduates are not required to enter through the east doors but it is highly recommended. 
  • The north doors are not open to the public. They are for staff, volunteers, and platform officials only.

Please Note: Traffic delays should be expected at all venues. Areas surrounding Carver-Hawkeye Arena will likely be congested with traffic from other campus events; please plan accordingly. 

Security Policy


Commencement ceremonies at Carver-Hawkeye Arena follow the clear bag policy. Everyone will pass through a metal detector and be asked to open their coats or commencement gowns for visual inspection. Campus Safety officials will search all bags brought into the building.

Additional information about allowed/prohibited items and new security enhancements can be found below.

Allowed/Prohibited Items (Clear Bag Policy Info)

Allowed Items

The following items are allowed inside Carver-Hawkeye Arena. All permitted items and patrons are subject to search and will be tagged at entrance.

  • Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC that do not exceed 12″x6″x12″
  • Clutch bags that do not exceed 4.5″x6.5″
  • Factory-sealed water bottles or empty, refillable bottles [Limit one (1), under one (1) gallon]
  • Medically necessary items (includes equipment for nursing mothers and diaper bags)



Prohibited Items

The following items are NOT allowed inside Carver-Hawkeye Arena. Admission will be denied to anyone carrying the following items.

  • Wrapped gifts, balloons, flowers
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Backpacks, purses, handbags and/or cinch bags (Please refer to the Allowed Items for bag guidance)
  • Banners and signs
  • Coolers, glass containers, backpack hydration systems, or refillable water bottles over one (1) gallon
  • Large lens cameras (6″ or more), video cameras or tripods
  • Noisemakers, strobe lights or any other disruptive devices
  • Outside food (unless medically indicated)
  • Non-service animals
  • Strollers or car seats
  • Tobacco of any kind (including e-cigarettes)
  • Umbrellas
  • Weapons of any kind

Food and Drink

No outside food or drinks are allowed except one sealed water bottle or empty refillable bottle per student and/or guest.

During spring ceremonies limited items will be sold at concession stands on the main concourse. Items include bottled beverages with lids and packaged food.

Please note: all transactions will be cashless. Credit, debit, and mobile pay accepted.

Security Enhancements at All Carver-Hawkeye Arena Doors

Beginning in fall 2024, all doors into Carver-Hawkeye Arena will be equipped with the latest technology in walk-through metal detectors that graduates and guests will need to pass through for entry. Graduates and guests will not need to empty their pockets or belongings unless instructed by arena security. Please note that steel-toed boots and hard eyeglasses cases can set off the sensors, so consider leaving those items behind if possible. The clear bag policy and all other Carver-Hawkeye Arena security policies remain in effect.

Information for Guests with Disabilities or Limited Mobility and Elevator Policy


Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact the collegiate commencement coordinator of the ceremony you're planning to attend.

All ceremonies will have an ASL sign language interpreter present and will be livestreamed with captions enabled.

Arena Accessibility

There is NO PUBLIC ELEVATOR USAGE available during commencement. Elevator policy can be found below.

Seating for guests is accessible from the upper concourse level, which is at ground level where you will enter. Guests with disabilities or limited mobility can find seating in the Feller Club Room. This room is equipped with large television screens and commencement ceremonies can be watched live from here. No food or beverage will be permitted in this room.

Guests with disabilities are also welcome to view the ceremony from the upper concourse level. Wheelchair and scooter spaces can be found in sections K – N on this level. Space is limited so we ask that guests seat themselves and two companions in this area. Guests should provide their own wheelchair if needed.

A sign language interpreter will be on-stage to interpret the ceremony.


Evening and Weekend Carver-Hawkeye Arena Commencement Ceremonies

Guests with disabilities who have a state-issued ADA parking placard or license plate will be permitted to use Lot 46, adjacent to Carver-Hawkeye Arena. From Lot 46 guests should enter through the west doors.

Please Note: Accessible parking in Lot 46 is limited to a first-come first-served basis. Once full, drop-offs will be allowed and then drivers will be directed to overflow accessible parking in Lot 40. Guests dropped off in Lot 46 should use the west doors.

Elevator Policy

The University of Iowa wants all attendees of commencement ceremonies at Carver-Hawkeye Arena to safely enjoy their experience. 

The policies described below have been reviewed by the state and campus fire prevention officials, as well as campus officials charged with accessibility for UI students and commencement guests:

  • Seating at Carver-Hawkeye Arena is designed to allow emergency evacuation through the exits on the upper concourse and/or the north tunnel. Because the north tunnel may become blocked by a fire or other obstruction during an emergency, the university requires that attendees with mobility issues not be seated on or near the floor; they must be seated in the Feller Club Room or on the upper concourse level. During a fire or emergency, elevators may not function and floor-seated attendees unable to navigate stairs might not have an exit pathway. Floor seating is generally reserved for graduates, faculty, and special guests. Concourse seating is available for all other attendees.
  • Attendees with disabilities or limited mobility may find seating in two places, both of which are level with the west doors entrance and do not require attendees to navigate steps or use an elevator: 
    • Attendees may find seating in the Feller Club Room for themselves and up to two companions. This room is equipped with large television screens and commencement ceremonies can be watched from here. No food or beverage will be permitted in this room.
    • Attendees are also welcome to view the ceremony from the upper concourse level. Wheelchair and scooter spaces can be found in sections K–N on the upper concourse level. The ceremony can be viewed from here or on large screens that can be found in these sections. Attendees should provide their own wheelchairs if needed. 
  • During a UI commencement at the arena, elevator use may be limited to staff and special event participants, such as faculty or graduates of the commencement ceremony. This is to prevent persons with mobility issues from using the elevator to access the floor, only to be trapped there in the case of a fire or other emergency. 
  • Attendees who have a Disabilities Parking Permit (plate, placard, or sticker) may park in lot 46, adjacent to Carver-Hawkeye Arena. Public Safety officers will restrict entrance to this lot to only those guests with these state-issued permits. From lot 46, attendees should enter the arena through the west doors. All other attendees may use any other parking available and may enter through the south and west doors. 
  • Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact the collegiate commencement coordinator of the ceremony you're planning to attend. 
  • A sign language interpreter will be on stage to interpret the ceremony. 

NOTE: The tunnel leading from the wrestling facility could not be considered a 2nd exit from the Carver-Hawkeye Arena floor due to constraints in constructing the tunnel. This tunnel’s primary purpose is to be a 2nd exit from the wrestling facility.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a Hawkeye fan who is unable to go up and down stairs, and I go to games at the Carver-Hawkeye Arena all the time. They’ve never made me sit on the concourse before. Why do I have to sit on the concourse at a commencement?

Evacuation procedures approved by the state fire marshal require attendees seated on the floor to exit the building through the north tunnel. However, because the north tunnel may be blocked by a fire or other obstruction during an emergency, procedures require trained staff to carry persons with mobility issues up the stairs to concourse exits.

At commencement events, those trained staff are not available; therefore state fire code requires that persons with mobility issues be seated on the upper concourse and that individuals be able to exit the building by traversing up the stair aisle and out to the concourse exits.

Why can’t I just use the elevator?

During a fire, state fire code requires that the elevators remain “out of service” for the safety of attendees. This is to prevent attendees from becoming trapped inside a damaged elevator.

Revised: November 2024


Graduate Masters Commencement Ceremony


(Times listed are in central time)

Carver-Hawkeye Arena

Graduate Doctoral Commencement Ceremony


(Times listed are in central time)

Carver-Hawkeye Arena